Customer Testimonials

There’s no question anymore whether I should clean the dust from the inside of the computer I’m working on; it’s so easy and effortless. I can get the insides clean without worrying about anyone else in the shop or facing the weather. This is one of those products that make you think ‘Why didn’t someone think of this sooner?’ Heck, why didn’t I think of this?!

Brian Minker, Comp-U-Tech

I was pleased to see how well the air pressure is controlled on the EDRWS. I don’t have to worry about damaging any components, yet I can work much more quickly than I used to with canned air. I get more of the dirt out, too. The EDRWS is a great idea!

John Heitman, MacSultants

You have built a great product. We only dreamed of a product such as yours but did not know there was such a thing until your postcard arrived and directed us to your website video. I am happy to share my thoughts and experience with others in the same position as myself. Our network admins are planning to use your unit to clean out their network switches and our telecom people will use it, as the need arises, to clean the dust out of their systems as well.

We received the unit last Thursday late in the afternoon. I was able to get the unit together and try it out on Friday morning. I had no issues with putting it together.

I was impressed with the ease of setup. I am also impressed with the quality of the job it performs in cleaning the dust and residues from computers. My coworkers who will be using it are also impressed. We have a table to wipe down the computers, keyboards, etc., next to the EDRWS unit and a sink to the left of the cleaning table. Your unit is the perfect addition to our cleaning of computers and other electronic equipment.

The EDRWS will be used here almost daily. We no longer have to go outside and use an air compressor! This will save us time in moving the computers in and out, lifting them up and down from the ground, plus a more thorough cleaning is accomplished, which will extend the life of the electronic equipment.

Thanks for building such a well-built unit that accomplishes this arduous task, and actually makes the task almost fun.

Larry Hower, Gettysburg College

Finally we have a way to remove dust from the inside of a computer, without taking it outdoors! No more dust all over our shop, and no more expensive cans of compressed air. We can place the EDRWS anywhere in our building and clean our computers!

Matt Dariano, Advanced Computer Repair

Our business has grown to the point that we needed a larger shop and more offices. During the process of moving to our new building, we started disassembling our furniture and computers in our old office. Everything in the office was filthy from the dust generated by using cans of compressed air in our old shop. There was a layer of dust on the floor behind our workbenches and our desks. We saw the ad for the EDRWS and instantly thought it would be the right solution.

This is one of the coolest things we have ever bought. So glad we found Spartan Air Purification! Thanks.

Sam Card, Card’s Computers

Clients Include:

  • Lockheed Martin
  • Fuji Film
  • Radwell International
  • Rutgers University
  • ISS Solutions
  • Gettysburg University
  • Comaric Corporation
  • Other World Computing
  • L3 Technologies